Study: Northern Kenya lacks climate change plans despite high vulnerability
Kenya has been hailed as being at the forefront in the formulation of laws and policies on climate change. The 2010 National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS) was a first in the region. By the time of its launch, other regional countries had not yet begun formulating their national climate change response plans. The launch of the NCCRS was followed by the first National Climate Change Action Plan (2013 – 2017), a comprehensive blueprint to guide Kenya in following a low carbon, climate resilient development pathway on its journey to becoming a middle-income country with a high standard of life in line with Vision 2030. A Report of a new study commissioned by a leading Kenyan NGO involved in diverse development initiatives, including environment and natural resources management, known as Act. Change. Transform! (Act!), reveals that counties in northern Kenya are yet to mainstream climate change in their laws and policies despite the area being the most vulnerable to its ne...