Health and benefits of clean energy to climate mitigation

Any action taken in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) constitutes climate change mitigation. One might however ask: What can we do as individuals and at the household level in order to reduce the emission of GHGs?

The answer and the action that can be taken are surprisingly simple. For example, the mere act of replacing a conventional electric bulb with an energy saving substitute amounts to a big contribution towards mitigation. It does not only reduce emissions but also significantly saves energy and by extension the cost of lighting homes.

Consider this: although an energy saving bulb might cost three times the cost of an ordinary incandescent bulb, it lasts 10 times longer on average. With regard to mitigation against climate change the energy saving bulb has been found to help to prevent 100 kilogrammes of CO2 per year over its working life of approximately 10,000 hours.

In order to increase the benefits of clean energy even further, governments the world over are encouraging the installation and more use of solar power. Use of solar power and other types of clean energy such as wind reduces the proportion of energy generated from non-renewable and highly polluting sources such as petroleum products or coal.

For rural households that keep animals such as dairy cows, the dung produced by animals can be utilised to produce biogas. Cheaper and cheaper ways are being found for constructing household biogas systems known as bio-digesters that are producing a cheaper alternative energy source for both cooking and lighting of homes.

By making the shift from the use of firewood for cooking and kerosene lanterns for light, the incidence of respiratory infections exacerbated by inhalation of smoke reduce significantly, leading to additional health benefits.

Besides providing health benefits for human beings, biogas production helps to produce manure as a bi-product. Once the dung and water are fed into the bio-digester the slurry that flows out can be used to enrich the soil and improve production of food, hence improving the food security of the household.


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