Combining climate action with agri-business key in transforming Africa
An emerging school of thought about
implications of climate
change sheds light on a dimension of the phenomenon that is rarely given
due attention - opportunities brought about by climate change. Proponents of
this perspective, such as Dr Richard Munang, who heads the UN Environment’s Ecosystem Based Adaptation for Food
Security (EBAFOSA), are convinced that opportunities resulting from
climate change can hold the answers to the continent’s perennial problems including
youth unemployment and food insecurity.
They feel that implementing actions to
counter the negative impacts of climate change without linking them directly to
outcomes that confer tangible day to day benefits to communities makes such
actions unsustainable. On the other
hand, combining climate actions with economically empowering innovations that
counter the negative impacts of climate change guarantees the sustainability of
those actions and the improvement of the livelihoods of communities. They, therefore, result in both environmental and economic benefits to communities.
An example of this approach often put
forward is that of combining the use of clean energy with nature-based agriculture.
Using solar energy to power cold rooms where perishable agricultural products
can be stored before being transported to market confers an economic benefit to
the community while contributing towards climate
change mitigation. Cold storage eliminates post-harvest losses (PHL) while
use of clean energy eliminates the emission of greenhouse gases. Systems powered by
clean energy can also power irrigation systems or solar driers that can make it
possible to preserve perishable produce through drying, enabling them to get to
markets and therefore improving the livelihoods of poor communities.
The other thrust of this approach is a
deliberate focus on nature-based agriculture. Nature-based agriculture
encompasses concepts such as minimum tillage and conservation agriculture,
practices that are the hallmark of climate-smart
agriculture. These practices have been shown to result in better
agricultural production, environmental conservation and reduced costs of inputs,
hence better income from agriculture.
For communities to reap all the benefits
that come with this approach, there needs to be a “meeting of the minds” with
policymakers in order to ensure different government ministries and agencies
can work in tandem. For example, agriculture ministries can deploy extension
services that promote climate-smart agriculture. Ministries in charge of energy
can adopt decentralisation of energy supply, enabling small scale farmers to
acquire clean stand-alone energy-based systems as individuals or as organised
groups, while ministries in charge of trade can help to find markets for
agricultural produce. Ministries in charge of infrastructure on their part can
ensure access roads are in place to facilitate transport to markets or
aggregation points.
Taking full advantage of technologies
aimed at addressing climate change by harnessing them for agribusiness would
therefore require the rethinking of how African countries respond to climate
change by ensuring climate actions are combined with productive endeavours that
rely on natural resources with which the continent is so richly endowed. This
will help to address challenges that are difficult to overcome when they are
viewed in isolation.